After discuss with many customers, we found that especially for new investors.
They prefer use one model wire drawing machine to do the job as much as possible,
hope the inlet and outlet wire range of one machine as bigger as possible.
But is it really wise choice?
Let’s take 13 dies Copper Rod Breakdown Machine as an example.
Inlet wire: 8mm, outlet wire: 1.2~3.2mm, Max.die quantity: 13
1) If need 80% of total production capacity is 1.2~1.5 mm,
then choose Rod Breakdown Machine is not good for electrical waste and low efficiency.
Intermediate wire drawing machine can do same job with much less electric consumption and higher speed.
2) If need 80% of total production capacity is 2.6~3.0 mm,
then choose Rod Breakdown Machine,
the speed of Intermediate wire drawing machine to produce 2.6mm is too slow.
Each machine with it’s strength and advantage.
Full-talent machine is not available.